Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inaugural ceremony takes place on January 20 : Will Barack Obama's Inauguration Be The Star-Studded Affair His Victory Party Wasn't?

Barack Obama during his election night rally at Grant Park Tuesday in Chicago

The presidential inauguration is an event that's about as close to a royal coronation as American government gets. It's a day filled with ceremony, guards, salutes, parades, speeches, a party that's actually still called a "ball" and, of course, symbolism: of new beginnings, rites of passage, of change. It's the president's opportunity to declare his administration's intent: At John F. Kennedy's inauguration in 1961, he made his legendary "Ask not what not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country" speech.

The United States Congress then will invite Obama and Biden to lunch, after which Obama will parade down from the Capitol to the White House.

And after all this pomp and circumstance, it's party time. Inaugural celebrations can last up to five days after the initial ceremony, but the most anticipated one is the Inaugural Ball — tickets, which are available on various ticket Web sites at exorbitant prices, are going fast. The official inauguration Web site unhelpfully says: "Tickets for the Inaugural swearing-in ceremony will be distributed to constituents in January 2009 by both Senators and Representatives of Congress of the 111th Congress."

It seems likely that the events surrounding the inauguration will be the kind of star-studded affair that Obama's victory celebration Tuesday night was not. The day before the election, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that the Obama campaign had asked some of its famous supporters to stay away from Tuesday's rally. Although the campaign is reportedly grateful for the high-profile support, several prominent celebs had reportedly been asked "politely but very firmly" to skip the rally — and focus on attending the Obama inauguration.

An Obama insider reportedly told the newspaper's Bill Zwecker that Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Sean "Diddy" Combs (who was surrounded by media, including MTV News, when he voted Tuesday), Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and Ben Affleck were among those asked to stay away.

"There really only needs to be one star in Grant Park, and that's Barack," the insider reportedly said. "There will be plenty of time for a new President Obama to be surrounded by famous fans, all hopeful about a new administration."

So either way, on January 20 our nation's capital looks to be filled with A-listers of every stripe.

Change can Happen : Thank You For Your Support : Obama Say ....!

You proved that change can happen. You built an unprecedented grassroots organization in all 50 states that brought a record number of people into the political process -- many for the first time, many for the first time in a long time.

Our success required unprecedented resources, and the Democratic National Committee played a major role on the ground efforts that generated record turnout up and down the ticket.

Obama Help Banks or Homeowners? Should Be....!

My guy Andy Busch of BMO Capital Markets attacks the nationalization issue:

Circling this back to Geithner, there is a fundamental choice facing the US government and today we'll see how the designee responds. The choice is over whether the government should nationalize the banks or not. It is a choice over skill sets and profit incentives. As supported by the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the US struggles with how to manage these entities. To take over a bank and make decisions on how to lend or how to dispose of assets or how to manage a "for-profit" entity, the US Treasury or FDIC or Federal Reserve would be out of their depth.

This takes us back to the central question of how to resolve the banking crisis in the United States. So far, the US government has addressed the symptoms of the disease and not the disease itself. The symptoms include credit, liquidity, and toxic assets. The cures have been acronyms, backstops, and discussions of forming a "bad bank".

The disease remains housing and home prices.This is why I expect new TARP money to flow towards the housing market and to reduce the supply of foreclosures. Here's an idea: why not declare that as of January 1st 2009, all homes in foreclosure will be purchased by TARP? This attacks the supply or inventory problem forcing prices down. It would take away a major negative driver of bank assets. Yes, but it still means the government has to do something with those homes.

The best solution would be to follow the RTC model by putting the properties together and then holding a fire sale to clear the market. The government would take the loss between what they pay for the homes and what they sell them for to the market.It's this loss that no one wants to take or absorb. While the US taxpayer is on the hook for it, this solution attacks the central problem. More importantly unlike an acronym or a "bad bank", it will stabilize home prices. Taxpayers can live with nationalizing or socializing home owner losses from the real estate market much easier than they can live with taxpayer losses from the banking industry. Let's see which political party picks up on this first ...

The Renewable Energy Folks : the Renewable Energy Folks : The New In-Crowd in Obama's Washington

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper at the inaugural ceremonies.

Yet if anyone needed an indicator of the growing prominence of the renewable energy world in the nation's capital during the age of Obama, it was on display Monday night at the Green Inaugural Ball, hosted by former Vice President Al Gore at the National Portrait Gallery.

Perhaps only in President Barack Obama's Washington could the CEOs of the nation's top wind and solar trade organizations pass for celebrities.

Standing on the red—or rather, green—carpet alongside musicians like John Legend, Maroon 5, and were Denise Bode, the CEO of the American Wind Energy Association, and Rhone Resch, the Solar Energy Industries Association's president and CEO.

The two lingered on the green carpet for a long while, chatting with associates, posing for pictures, shaking hands, and mingling with the more traditional, high-profile celebrities—such as Gore himself—who had brought out such star-chasing media as Glamour magazine.

Inside the ballroom, though, the talk was mostly wonky. Among the several hundred attendees were a large number of D.C. lobbyists, environmentalists, and trade association officials. They sat at small tables (with green tablecloths) or stood around in small groups, discussing topics like the nuances of carbon cap-and-trade legislation.

Mentions of "Boxer" and "Waxman" floated from one huddle to the next—references to Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Henry Waxman, the California Democrats who now chair major committees on energy or the environment and are expected to play a central role in drafting climate change legislation this year.

And the fate of bills, dealing with everything from conservation of public lands to tax incentives for the wind and solar industries, were a prime topic as people stood in line to fill their dinner plates with organic hamburgers and salads.

For these renewable energy proponents, Obama's presidency comes at a critical time: On one hand, the recent record-high oil prices have boosted the visibility of their industry. But the economic downturn is taking a toll, particularly with the tightening of credit markets and the drying up of corporate investment.

Still, the event was something of a coming-out party for renewable energy, which has evolved over the past decade from a group of niche industries into serious forces on Capitol Hill with sophisticated lobbying operations.

"We are making energy independence and reversing climate change a priority," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a prominent backer of incentives for renewable energy.

Taking the stage several hours into the ball, Gore told the crowd, "We have everything we need now, save perhaps political will. But...tomorrow at high noon, political will is a renewable resource."

And as if to address the power brokers in the room, Gore added, "We have to get out there and help [Obama] pass his program."

That program, as Obama has outlined it, includes doubling the country's renewable energy production and spending at least $150 billion to develop cleaner energy technologies. To get there, advocates say that Congress and the new president should continue to work on extending tax credits for wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources, help developers get access to financing for renewable projects, and find ways to improve electricity transmission from resource-rich areas—the windy Midwest, the sunny Southwest—to populous coastal regions.

"We are trying to get people on board not just for the stimulus package but for legislation down the road as well," says Bode. "For transmission, we are trying to build a consensus between industries and environmentalists and utilities, with leadership from the White House and Congress."

MIstake Politics Buzz : Obama The Presiden

Tagged : barack osama, how to look like osama, obama and osama look alike, obama and osama look like, obama bin laden, obama looks like osama, obama osama, obama osama look alike, osama obama, osama obama look alike, side by side osama obama photo comparisons

Check out this screen grab of the email my friend just sent me. What do you think? It is OK the election is over so you can say what you really think.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rahma Azhari is full of sensation and controversy Photos

Recently, Rahma Azhari’s topless pictures were leaked causing a quite a hot scandal. Although she denied these are her topless photos, but they look pretty authentic. Let’s have a look at her topless photos nevertheless.

She is a well known Indonesian model and actress. Just like the other Azhari’s sister, Rahma Azhari is full of sensation and controversy.

Rahma Azhari is the young sister of the rich and powerful Indonesian Azhari family

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ariel Bantah Nafkahi Luna Maya sekaligus Kabar tentang NIkah Sirih

Setelah Luna Maya, giliran Ariel yang membantah gosip nikah sirri yang dialamatkan pada mereka. Duda ganteng itu menegaskan, belum menikahi Luna. Begitu pula dengan gossip yang mengatakan kalau ia telah menafkahi Luna.

“Kabar nikah sirri itu nggak benar. Sampai saat ini gua belum menikah lagi. Gua nggak mungkin nikah diam-diam,” kata Ariel di studio RCTI, beberapa waktu lalu.

Ariel mencurigai ada orang iseng yang sengaja mengeluarkan gosip itu. “Seharusnya kalau mau ngomong harus ada bukti, secara pribadi jujur, ada yang jahil ama gue,” katanya.

Dikatakan Ariel, isu tersebut tidak mempengaruhi hubungannya dengan Luna Maya. “Itu kan cuma omongan orang, nggak ada bukti, nggak ada berkas, jadi nggak terlalu mempengaruhi. Lagi pula hubungan gue sama Luna cuma sebatas teman,” katanya

Sengaja atau tidak tapi berkah buat kiwil : Cynthiara Alona, Payudara Disentuh Kiwi

SETIAP wanita pasti marah besar jika ada pria iseng yang nekat meremas payudaranya. Tapi tidak dengan Cynthiara Alona, yang malah senang gunung kembarnya diremas orang. Wong dibayar kok, katanya. Lha kok bisa?

Untungnya, hal itu cuma terjadi di film Setan Budek. Dalam film itu, payudara Cynthiara diremas komedian Kiwil.

“Cuma disentuh bagian atasnya kok, bukan payudaranya langsung. Dan sebelum adegan itu kita sudah ngobrol banyak dengan Mas Kiwil. Jadi nggak apa-apa disentuh, kita kan teman,” ungkap Cynthiara saat ditemui di Djakarta Theater, Rabu (7/1).

Di dunia perfilman, nama Cynthiara memang jarang terdengar. Tetapi kalau urusan foto, sudah banyak yang melihat kegilaan pose-pose wanita berdada besar ini di internet dan majalah pria dewasa.

Mungkin karena itu pula, ia mengaku sudah biasa ditawari adegan panas jika main film. “Aku juga bingung kenapa setiap main film selalu menonjolkan payudara, walaupun peranku dalam berakting sebagai pembantu. Mungkin kalau tidak ditonjolkan mubazir kali ya, hahaha...,” katanya sambil tertawa ngakak.

Lantas kalau nanti dicap sebagai bomseks, gimana? Cynthiara punya pendapat sendiri. “Kalau sebutan itu berdampak positif ya, Alhamdulillah. Tapi kalau berdampak negatif, gue diam aja,” tukas sepupu VJ Marissa ini.

Ditanya apakah ia berani bugil di film, seperti keberaniannya telanjang dada di salah satu pose syurnya, Cynthiara tidak berani memastikannya. “Wah, aku harus lihat skripnya dulu baru bisa mutusin. Aku nggak mau berandai-andai,” pungkasnya

Alexandra Gottardo Terseret seret dan ikut Tersangkut Kasus Marcella

intang sinetron Khanza, Alexandra Gottardo ternyata sempat diperiksa kepolisian terkait kasus kekerasan yang dilakukan artis Marcella Zalianty terhadap Agung Setiawan pada 2008 lalu. Disinyalir, Xandra_begitu ia disapa terlibat dengan kasus tersebut.

Keterlibatan Xandra, begitu ia disapa, karena dia adalah orang yang mengenalkan Marcella pada Agung. Setelah dikenalkan Xandra, Marcella kemudian bekerjasama dengan Agung. Belakangan kerjasama tersebut berbuntut pada kasus hukum. Marcella dituduh menculik dan menganiaya Agung. Sedangkan Marcella melaporkan Agung atas kasus penipuan.

“Dari Xandra, Marcella kemudian bekerjasama dengan Agung. Dia akan jadi salah satu saksi Marcella,” jelas Aga Khan, pengacara Marcella.

Sementara itu, lawan Marcella, Agung kini sudah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Ia dilaporkan telah melakukan penipuan terhadap warga Korea, bernama Dong In Kim alias Kim Dong In sebesar Rp 100 juta. Namun, Agung mangkir dari pemeriksaan Polda yang seharusnya dilakukan kemarin

Dhani turut terlibat tentang penipuan yang dilakukan sang ayah

Pentolan Dewa 19 Ahmad Dhani kembali terseret masalah. Ayahnya, Eddy Abdul Manaf tersangkut kasus penipuan sebesar Rp 750 juta. Bukan hanya itu, Dhani juga diduga mengetahui mengenai penipuan yang dilakukan ayahnya. Eddy Abdul Manaf pun terancam bakal dilaporkan ke polisi.

Ancaman pelaporan ke pihak kepolisian dilakukan oleh seseorang yang merasa ditipu Eddy, Ngo Wempi Gojali. Menurut Wempi, ayah Dhani itu tidak memberikan Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM) saat dirinya membeli beberapa bidang tanah di daerah Gresik, Jawa Timur pada tahun 1990 lalu. Rencana pelaporan ini dilakukan karena somasi yang dilayangkan kepada orangtua Dhani tak pernah ditanggapi.

“Rencananya hari Senin (12/1) besok kita akan melaporkan Eddy Abdul Manaf ke Polda Metro Jaya karena korban memilih domisili hukum di Jakarta. Sebelumnya surat somasi telah kita layangkan untuk meminta sertifikat SHM nya, tapi tidak pernah diberikan, makanya kita melaporkan,” kata kuasa hukum Wempi, Andar Situmorang kepada Nonstop, tadi malam.

Eddy Abdul Manaf yang kala itu menjabat Ketua Umum Yayasan Putra Indonesia sebelumnya memang telah menjual beberapa bidang rumah dengan bukti-bukti yaitu surat keterangan Kepemilikan Tanah No :500/YKSPI/1994 an. Ngo Wempi Gojali. Lalu tanah kedua yakni dengan bukti surat keterangan Kepemilikan Tanah No :492/YKSPI/1994 an. Lukas Handoko Tje. Yang terakhir dengan bukti surat Keterangan Kepemilikan Tanah No :540/YKSPI/1994 an. Ny. Willianna.

“Transaksi pembayaran dilakukan dari kurun waktu tahun 1990 sampai 1997 dan sampai lunas. Lalu kenapa sertifikat SHM nya belum diberikan juga. Itu artinya dia telah melakukan penipuan dengan kerugian sebesar Rp 750 juta,” kata Andar yang sempat berseteru dengan pedangdut Inul Daratista itu.

Lalu kenapa Dhani ikut terbawa? “Dhani ikut terbawa karena antara masa pembayaran itu di tahun 1990-1994, dia sedang membangun karir musiknya dan sebagai ayah tentu Eddy mendukung. Dan sebagian dana yang diterima Eddy diduga untuk membeli alat-alat band dan juga untuk membiayai pernikahannya dengan Maia,” kata Andar lagi.

Eddy pun terancam dijerat dengan pasal 378 KUHP dengan ancaman penjara selama 4 tahun. “Sementara Dhani bisa dijerat juga karena membiarkan kejahatan yang diketahuinya,” ujar Andar.

Sementara itu, Dhani sendiri menolak ikut campur dalam urusan yang dialami oleh ayahnya itu. Menurut orang dekat Dhani, Samsul Huda, Wempi hanya berharap Dhani mengganti rugi atas tidak diberikannya sertifikat tersebut. “Ngga ada hubungannya sama Dhani itu, dia malah nggak tahu apa-apa. Pokoknya Dhani juga nggak mau ikut campur urusan begituan,” kata Samsul Huda saat dihubungi Nonstop tadi malam.

Samsul heran kenapa Wempi baru mempersoalkan kasus ini sekarang. Padahal sebelumnya, Wempi telah lama tinggal bersama Eddy di Bandung. “Kenapa nggak ngomong waktu di Bandung, mereka kan berdekatan. Ini sekarang saat Pak Eddy sudah stroke dan nggak bisa apa-apa baru diungkap dan dipersoalkan,” kata Samsul.

Sebelumnya Samsul juga mengakui jika dirinya pernah dihubungi oleh pengacara Wempi, Andar Situmorang. Dirinya bahkan pernah berniat membantu menyelesaikan persoalan ini. “Tapi pas saya tanya, mana bukti pembeliannya, eh dia malah nggak bisa kasih. Alasannya, katanya, kwitansinya masih berada di Bali. Ya sampai sekarang ditunggu-tunggu malah nggak ada. Kalau mau lapor ya silakan aja deh laporkan biar jelas semuanya,” ujar Samsul.

Tudingan jika sebagaian dana pembelian yang dimiliki oleh Eddy diberikan untuk pernikahan Dhani dan Maia pun dinilai Samsul sebagai sesuatu kebohongan. “Ngawur itu, fitnah Dhani nikahnya kapan? Tahu dari mana Bang Andar itu,” katanya. “Ini cuma sensasi dia aja biar masuk koran. Memanfaatkan nama Dhani. Sebelumnya, Roy (Suryo, Red) kan juga pernah kayak gini,” tambahnya.

Aline Tumbuan berusaha untuk Hilangkan Image Seksi

Di tengah pertumbuhan film nasional, bintang model Aline Tumbuan tergugah untuk mencoba kemampuan di dunia akting. Model yang pernah masuk dalam 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005 versi majalah FHM itu, ingin serius menggeluti dunia yang baginya baru itu.

"Dapat tawaran dua film, genrenya aksen, tapi belum tanda tangan kontrak," terang Aline saat ditemui konferensi pers Save Our Culture di Kemang Village, Jakarta, Jumat (9/10).

Banyak yang mempertanyakan, kenapa baru sekarang dirinya menerjuni dunia akting? Padahal diyakini Aline kerap sekali mendapatkan tawaran semacam itu. "Kalau dulu-dulu ada tawaran sih, akunya nggak mau, soalnya tawarannya untuk film yang gitu-gitu (seksi, red)" ungkap Aline.

"Aku harus menghilangkan image itu, setelah di FHM bertahun-tahun, setiap tahun harus berubah, dari pada stagnan di situ terus, makanya untuk film aku selalu melihat dulu seperti apa ceritanya," terang perempuan yang pernah tampil dalam foto-foto seksi itu.

Aline Tumbuan memiliki nama asli Caroline Ingrid Adita mengawali karir sebagai model sejak 1995, dengan bergabung di sekolah mode milik Oky Asokawati. Aline kerap terlibat dalam fashion show ke berbagai negara, termasuk di Italia, Yunani, hingga Amerika Serikat. Bahkan majalah pria FHM (For Him Magazine) mempercayakan dirinya menjadi pengasuh rubrik tanya jawab Ask Aline.